Blocking Client

The BlockingClient class represents a blocking Redis client. The major practical difference with blocking requests is that they return scala.util.Try instead of scala.concurrent.Future.

Note: the BlockingClient can only be used to issue blocking requests such as BRPOP.


A BlockingClient can be initialized similarly to a regular Client with the exception that receiveTimeout cannot be set.

Full usage example

import scredis._ import import scala.util.{Success, Failure} // Defines an actor system to use with the blocking client implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("my-actor-system") // Creates a blocking client with default configuration (see reference.conf) val client = BlockingClient() // Send a blocking request and match upon the result client.brPop(timeoutSeconds = 5, "list") match { case Success(Some((key, value))) => // do something with the popped value case Success(None) => // there was no value to be popped case Failure(e) => // an error occurred while processing the request }
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